Navigating the Lethem Highway
Making sure you reach your destination on the Georgetown to Lethem Highway can be tricky. The numerous and huge potholes are one of the problems. Eroded roads can be another.The actual culvert was too small to drain the water from one side of the road to the other. Eventually water found another way leading to erosion and collapse of a section of the dirt road.
After 11 hours drive on bumpy roads, this is the last thing you want to encounter!
The road collapsed just before the truck (visible) crossed over! This is a little after Annai
A view of the erosion and collapsed road. The actual culvert pipe is to the left of this picture (not visible).
Going to be a long wait for these trucks!
Improvised bridge with two planks. Brave driver or "tired of waiting" driver taking the chance.
Will he make it!
Dr. David Singh, Director of Conservation International, navigating the improvised bridge.
View of the same section on the way back in a mini-bus 10 days later. More planks!!